The Ultimate Bliss

DBMS done. But unlike every other time, luck didn’t come to my rescue this time around. I believe I can’t blame my luck this time around. Usually my luck turns to my aid when I have studied a topic or two and then the entire question paper comes from the same topics that I am not oblivious of. But this time something was different. The point was that I hadn’t studied anything. So it was virtually impossible for my lady luck to have a say in this matter, unless the question paper asked me to explain in detail the emotional quotient of the cannibals living deep inside the island in the middle of Bermuda Triangle.


To sum it all, I didn’t study anything and hence I didn’t know anything in the exam and had it not been for my Computer Science background and all the efforts that I put in the very subject in the B.Tech days the night before exams, I would have been caught napping to write any sense in the paper whatsoever.

Anyways, the bottom line is that I scraped through somehow. 2 papers done, 5 to go and now there is an entire Sunday which separates me from the next paper. I feel like the King of the World right now. Yippieeee 😀 😀