All Clear

This is a habit of UPTU . All the time when you sit online staring at the home page of its aweful awesome site , your effort will go in vain and while you are busy doing nothing , a shout will echo across the hostel “Resulllttt aaaa gayyyaaaa” . At that moment your brain tells you that its another one of the pranks while your body rushes you to the nearest computer around .

Today , once again , another one of those shrieking voice struck my eardrums . Instantly I ran at the source which although was a trusted one , still I refused to believe the integrity of the announcement . With a firm determination to rip the source apart , had the news been fake , I opened the site and …….. Yayyyy !! All clear !!! 74.4 % aggregate when you are expecting a back in one or two is nothing less than a miracle .

Two years of engineering done with without any road blocks . I am over the moon right now !!!!!