Breaking the Habit

Last week was indeed a mixed bag for me…….On one hand where the majestic form of Cristiano Ronaldo filled me with enthusiasm , the defeat of Federer at Rolland Garros and India’s loss to Pakistan acted as a counter to prior…….. but Asia Cup and Wimbledon are just round the corner and payaback is inevitable……

Its time to break the habit …… and I am trying my utmost to cure a disease which has infected me for two years now ….. addiction …. addiction to orkut ……. and the best way to do that is to turn my attention to something else …… something else which could interest me as much as planet orkut ……. and now I have got the answer …… I have got my hands across Fireworks and Dreamweaver and I am ready to dive into the world of Web Designing ……. Those cascading style sheets do create a lot of interest within me and I have been investing a lot of time in designing …… Sorry Orkut ….. not that much of time for you ….

I don’t know how I got this way

I know its not alright

So I’m breaking the habit

I’m breaking the habit tonight