Khaao Khaao

So I tried putting down my thoughts and let Chat GPT write this blog for me – but my fishes did not like it, and I am not the kind of man that doesn’t listen to his fishes – So I said no to the robot – It tries too hard to be funny.

My rabbit, named Arjun, is staring into the screen. Of late, only things he stares at is food. To be fair to him, he has been interning in basic pet skills under my wife, and seems to be have picked her most dominant habit. I wonder why he finds the laptop screen edible, but anyways, here is a picture of him chilling, for reference:

My two betta fishes don’t give a damn though. They are happily blowing bubbles in their mini tanks, minding their own business, only sometimes looking up to see if I have any dead mosquitoes to offer them. Cannot share photos of Bettas (named Tyson and Stalin) due to privacy issues, but here are some of my Glo Tetras chilling:

I have one hand on keyboard while other one is busy squatting mosquitoes with latest hi-tech anti mosquito racket. That’s why you see huge gaps in two posts on my blog. I cannot get time out off these creatures, who seem to be taking over the city now. Who do you think came first: Mosquitoes or Cockroaches? I prefer Cockroaches, at least they mind their own business.

This happened during a visit to an Aquarium in Kerala. I stumbled on these very bright colorful tetras and I knew that I was going to get them home. I, obediently, sent an approval mail to the Home Minister, who gladly approved. Later only I realized that she thought I was going to get fishes for a meal. Is life all about food? Anyways, now I have 8 large / small / mini tanks at home and have been sent a warning message that “enough is enough” and “do not test the waters”. Further, I & Arjun both have been put on Performance Improvement Programs, and I seem to be doing much much better than the Rabbit – on manners especially. But I think he will get the ‘brownie’ points for his special bond to Food.

If 42 was name of a sweet dish, then I think Douglas Adams was right that this is the Ultimate Answer. Saying that. I need to rush to get some grass for the rodent. Till then, think about it. If there is something you would have to give up Food for, what would that be? Will you take the superpower that you will never be hungry?