Of Assignments and Exams ….

“The students of RKGIT are hereby informed that the third sessionals are compulsory for everyone . Absence in these sessionals will show up adversely in the internal marks (Teacher’s Assessment) ….. SIgned : Dean”

There is a very fine margin between advice and threat when it comes to my college management . All this while they were found saying things like “This sessional is for your own good”…”This is will prepare you for your exams”…“After writing this sessional you will turn into Cindrella” … and suddenly one day they sprung up with this notice.

Imagine a common man , returning to the hostel with a reservation ticket in his hand , conjuring all sorts of plans of packing and never coming back , who suddenly confronts this notice . Won’t will he be shocked , disappointed , petrified , blood thirsty and furious . Obviously he will be .

Only a day back this common man was found mocking all other common men who missed their earlier sessionals and were bound to appear in this one . And now where did he stand ??? Nowhere but on the same stage where the mocking will continue ,  he being the subject this time .  🙁

And as if this was not enough . The next day , a postman , clown , bookworm , teacher’s butter boy , a common studious man was found rushing towards our room with two sheets in his hand . The sheets which looked ordinary and harmless from a distance turned into monstrous pieces of life sucking documents when looked from close . They were one of those  most dreaded assignments , and icing on cake , we were supposed to complete and submit “in person” . According to the yet another verdict , defaulters were supposed to be penalised with low internal marks .

Even if you commit one murder or two , the punishment will still be the same . And whenever such a situation occurs , when you got to choose from these two sets : …….. {studies , exams , assignments } and {bunks , go and get some life , **** exams , here I am coming , Home !!! 😀 } ….. the latter always holds the priority and the best argument that stand in favor of the latter is that “Books , studies and exams are only “Moh – Maayas”” …. you just got to remind your stupid heart that ” All izz well .. All izz well ” … even if it is not well , not by miles ……  :mrgreen:

P.S. Currently I am blogging from my desktop , which obviously implies that I am home … Yayyyy !!! 😀 … and I am bunking my sessionals … and my parents thinks I am back on pre semester preparation leave (though they grew suspicious when I told them I haven’t brought any book and preparation leave isn’t made for studying but for relaxation of our much stressed cerebrum ) 😀

P.P.S. Though I sound so brave , I am not . I have started my quest for a medical certificate . Wish me luck .  :devil:

P.P.P.S. I have interviewed recently by this site called Speak Bindas . Read my interview HERE . 😀