
Can you define torture ??? …. No ???? ….. well I can ….

Forcing someone to stay indoors on the New Year’s eve and to study without any hope … that’s torture .

Scheduling the exams to coincide with the coldest part of the year … when Sun barely takes the form and temperature is always below 10 …. that’s torture .

Maintaining a gap of more than 10 days between written and practicals , wasting students’ valuable time … And when practical starts and you enter the viva room , external greets you saying ” your mere presence is more than sufficient …. please dont shock me by giving some answers ” …. mental torture ….   😥

And last but not the least …. the compulsion of taking a bath very early in the morning on the occasion of Makar Sankranti (14th of Jan) , when even waking up at that time is a big achievement …..  some real torture that is  …!!!!   🙁  🙁