
With the changing climate ( yes , monsoons have finally arrived 😛 ) , every third person seems to be getting infected by the “NORMAL” version of influenza . I also happened to be a part of that arithematic series . Courtesy to my extraordinary power of sneezing , I managed to terrify quite a few people on my way back from Lucknow .

There was this guy in the train , with the mask on . He took all the necessary precautions to maintain a distance from any type of flu that might come his way . The poor guy had his luck quota over when he , unfortunately , took his seat just next to me . For half an hour or so , he kept his mask on , scrutinizing every activity within his vision , trying to spot any activity of attempted communication of infection . I maintained my composure and controlled my sneeze for some time . After the scrutiny , when everything seemed to be safe , the guy took off his mask ( apparently he was finding it difficult to breathe under it ) . And look at the coincidence . As soon as the mask was off , the virus within me spotted the chance , and with a devilish look in my eye , there came a dreadful voice which shook everyone in the compartment ……. Aaaannnccchhhhhoooooo ………….

The poor guy ran for his life , opened the door and jumped out breathed in as much fresh air as he could . I was sure he was cursing me to hell . I could see the terror in his eyes . As for the other people sitting nearby , they were looking at me like I was a terrorist or something . Handkerchiefs were out and I was greeted with cold stares all around saying ,” Just try doing that once again and you will never sneeze again ” . Unable to face the public , like a criminal heavily burdened by his guilt , a quietely made my way to the upper birth , switched off the lights , and sneezed only in installements throughout the journey , and that too pretty mildly . Phhheeewww ….

Well you guys need not to cover your nose while reading this post . I am out of my sneezing habit , am totally swine-free and pose no threat to anyone living or dead 😛 . Infact , the influenza brought with it two good news for me . I have been awarded “They gonna rock” award by Vishesh , the smiley king 😀 😀 😀 and “The Coolest Blogger” award by Kanagu . Yayyyy !!!! :mrgreen: